出版社:Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER)
摘要:The article presents the experience of working with teenagers on the prevention of school violence manifestations. Activities for the prevention of bullying and its retention at a socially acceptable level by removing or neutralizing the causes generating it are more meaningful and effective taking into account gender-specific manifestations of school bullying. This situation requires the maintenance of a separate work with teenage boys and girls because the specifics of their behavior are quite different. The aim of the study is to develop and to test technology of the psychologist’s activity for the bullying prevention in the teenage environment based on the gender approach. At the same time, we believe that bullying prevention (efforts to prevent it or withhold at a socially acceptable level by removing or neutralizing the causes generating it) will help to lower the scale of the negative phenomenon, to reduce the amount of “aggressors” and “victims” involved in it. Comparative analysis of results of ascertaining and control phases of the experiment allows drawing conclusions on the positive dynamics in the sample, identifying the behavior peculiarities in a situation of possible bullying of boys and girls and developing a set of preventive measures based on them, allows bringing such activities to an entirely new level.