出版社:Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER)
摘要:The purpose of the study was to identify alternative corrective measures used by teachers to manage students’ behavior problems in secondary schools. The study was informed by Assertive Discipline Model and Thorndike’s Behavior Modification Theory. Mixed methods research approach was used and with it, concurrent triangulation design was adopted. Target population of the study was composed of 308 teachers from a total number of 34 schools that had 34 Heads of Guidance and Counseling, 34 Deputy Principals and 240 classroom teachers. Krejcie & Morgan sample size determination table and stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 28 Deputy Principals from a total number of 34 deputy principals, 28 Heads of Guidance and Counseling from a total number of 34 and 152 teachers from a total of 240. Pilot study was done in three schools that didn’t participate in the actual study to determine reliability of the instruments and split half method was used to ascertain a reliability coefficient of 0.871. Face validity of the instruments was ascertained by pilot testing the questionnaires and also by seeking expert judgment by university lecturers. Data was collected using questionnaires, in-depth interviews and document analysis guides. Quantitative data was analyzed using basic descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Qualitative data from interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study findings revealed that alternative corrective measures like guidance and counseling, manual work, temporary withdrawal from class, withdrawal of privileges and suspension were used in managing student behavior problems. However, it was established that use of rules and detention were not preferred as alternative methods of managing student behavior problems.