摘要:This paper presents an analytical solution for nonlinear free and forced vibration response of smart laminated nano-composite beams resting on nonlinear elastic foundation and under external harmonic excitation.The structure is under a temperature change and an electric excitation through the piezoelectric layers.Different distribution patterns of the single walled aligned and straight carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) through the thickness of the beam are considered.The beam complies with Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and von Kármán geometric nonlinearity.The nonlinearity is due to the mid-plane stretching of the beam and the nonlinear stiffness of the elastic foundation.The Multiple Time Scales perturbation scheme is used to perform the nonlinear dynamical analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced beams.Analytical expressions of the nonlinear natural frequencies, nonlinear dynamic response and frequency response of the system in the case of primary resonance have been presented.The effects of different parameters including applied voltage, temperature change, beam geometry, the volume fraction and distribution pattern of the carbon nanotubes on the nonlinear natural frequencies and frequency-response curves are presented.It is found that the volume fractions of SWCNTs as well as their distribution pattern significantly change the behavior of the system.