摘要:To determine fracture parameters of interfacial cracks in transverse isotropic magnetoelectroelastic composites, a displacement extrapolation formula was derived.The matrix-form formula can be applicable for both material components with arbitrary poling directions.The corresponding explicit expression of this formula was obtained for each poling direction normal to the crack plane.This displacement extrapolation formula is only related to the boundary quantities of the extended crack opening displacements across crack faces, which is convenient for numerical applications, especially for BEM.Meantime, an alternative extrapolation formula based on the path-independent J-integral and displacement ratios was presented which may be more adaptable for any domain-based numerical techniques like FEM.A numerical example was presented to show the correctness of these formulae.
关键词:displacement extrapolation formula ; fracture parameters ; magnetoelectroelastic ; interfacial crack ; J integral