摘要:The amount of food wasted by Korean households is significant and to some extent could be preventable. It is not well illustrated how Korean students perceive food waste and how much they know about the consequences of food waste. This study aimed to examine Korean students’ perception of food waste. Overall, results show that students’ perception of food waste varies in different clusters. Considerate food wasters (cluster 1) are knowledgeable and have much information regarding food waste. This paper suggests that additional information about how to preserve food and about issues related to food wastes, which cause a bigger environmental problem over the long term, could influence the behavior of this cluster, reducing perhaps further food waste. On the other hand, unwitting and ruthless food wasters, who are in clusters 2 and 3, need extra attention. Marketers should initiate educational campaigns to raise awareness of food waste for students and youth. Students who fall under these two clusters may need to pay extra attention to their shopping behavior. They should be more connected to their food, and to their purchase behavior, which may reduce food waste.