摘要:Introduction Pecha Kucha is an innovative presentation technique emphasising the rapid delivery of visual images. First used in architecture design, today it is making new inroads in higher education. The aim of this article is to determine the acceptability of this approach among medical students. Methods Two events were held with 15 Pecha Kucha presentations each, for a total of 30 total topics related to complementary tests, examinations, and special techniques in clinical medicine. Four students contributed to preparing each presentation. The event was part of the third-year module, “Integrated Workshops”, at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) Medical School (Elche, Spain). Results Pecha Kucha presentations were recorded, edited, and uploaded onto the UMH YouTube channel. As regards the fidelity of the Pecha Kucha format, only 2 presentations (6.7%) used images for more than 75% of the space on the slides, 6 presentations used images in 50% to 75% of the slides, and 8 presentations (26.7%) had less than 25% of the slides with images. In a student satisfaction survey, 62.3% of respondents considered the organisation of the Pecha Kucha seminar to merit a score of 6 or 7 on a 7-point Likert scale (where 0 is ‘detrimental’ and 7 is “outstanding”), and 42.7% of the students scored their overall satisfaction as a “very good” or “outstanding”. Conclusion It is believed that this experience is valuable and can be applied in other disciplines of medical education, as well as other science degree programs.
关键词:Pecha Kucha ; Student presentation ; Medical education ; Spanish ; Teaching and communication