标题:Percepción de los estudiantes de Medicina sobre la utilización de los pacientes simulados como estrategia para el entrenamiento en el manejo integral de pacientes
摘要:Introduction The standardized patient (SP) or simulated patient is a globally accepted tool within the medical education. Usually, a highly-trained actor simulates one or more diseases performing as an integrative tool in the learning process. Methodology We evaluated the perception of knowledge gaining after using the SP strategy in a group of medical students through a satisfaction survey. The analysis included the use of frequency measures as means and proportions for all questions in the questionnaire. Results Most medical students (95.8%; 45 from 47) expressed agreement that the SP practice allowed them to integrate knowledge. Also, 95,8% (45 from 47) agreed that this strategy was useful for the development of communication skills with patients. Conclusions When using the SP strategy in clinical simulation, communication skills were perceived as the most developed within the learning of clinical integral management.
关键词:Clinical simulation ; Standardized patient ; Perception of satisfaction