摘要:One of the best things about learning a language online is that you can learn no matter where you are.And this is especially important for busy, fully-employed people who might travel a lot and who arebeyond that time in their lives when on-campus classes, study abroad, or face-to-face meetings with tutorsor language partners are possible and viable options. Open English, a Venezuelan/US-based companyfounded in 2007 (see http://www.openenglish.com/corporate/about/) appears to know that there is realdemand for quality, online English instruction. They sell subscriptions (1,000 USD for an initial 12months, 80 USD per month thereafter) to their online English-language learning system that caters to aburgeoning market of individuals who want to improve their English skills in 10 to 60 minutes a day,whether those minutes are at 5AM in Quito or 11PM in Barcelona.