摘要:Leeds Metropolitan University has been using shelf ready with our two main book suppliers, Coutts and Dawson, for about10 years. By shelf-ready, we mean that the supplier:Applies all stamps (ownership, process grid, etc)Applies almost all labels (spine labels, collection labels, date labels)Inserts (but not programs) an RFID tagCovers or binds the book, if requiredProvides a MARC record which meets our specification, including a shelfmark (based on Dewey, and following ourCuttering rules) both in the record and on the spine label.Orders are sent to the suppliers by EDI, and the exact processing required is specified through the holding code. It is alsopossible to use coded notes to specify exceptions – eg no spine label required for this item.Over 85% of our material is received shelf ready; the other 15% is made up of out of print books, foreign languages,material which we have to buy from specialist suppliers (eg art catalogues), and non-book formats such as AV, maps, andprinted music. Of the shelf ready material, only 2% needs to be seen by a cataloguer; this excludes authority work, whichis done from reports.