摘要:To cover increasing energy demands during exercise, tricarboxylic cycle (TCA) flux in skeletal muscle is markedly increased, resulting in the increased formation of intramyocellular acetylcarnitine (AcCtn). We hypothesized that reduced substrate availability within the exercising muscle, reflected by a diminished increase of intramyocellular AcCtn concentration during exercise, might be an underlying mechanism for the impaired exercise performance observed in adult patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). We aimed at assessing the effect of 2 hours of moderately intense exercise on intramyocellular AcCtn concentrations, measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H-MRS), in seven adults with GHD compared to seven matched control subjects (CS). Compared to baseline levels AcCtn concentrations significantly increased after 2 hours of exercise, and significantly decreased over the following 24 hours (ANOVA p for effect of time = 0.0023 for all study participants; p = 0.067 for GHD only, p = 0.045 for CS only). AcCtn concentrations at baseline, as well as changes in AcCtn concentrations over time were similar between GHD patients and CS (ANOVA p for group effect = 0.45). There was no interaction between group and time (p = 0.53). Our study suggests that during moderately intense exercise the availability of energy substrate within the exercising muscle is not significantly different in GHD patients compared to CS.