摘要:Experimental techniques for identification of essential genes (EGs) in prokaryotes are usually expensive, time-consuming and sometimes unrealistic. Emerging in silico methods provide alternative methods for EG prediction, but often possess limitations including heavy computational requirements and lack of biological explanation. Here we propose a new computational algorithm for EG prediction in prokaryotes with an online database (ePath) for quick access to the EG prediction results of over 4,000 prokaryotes ( https://www.pubapps.vcu.edu/epath/ ). In ePath, gene essentiality is linked to biological functions annotated by KEGG Ortholog (KO). Two new scoring systems, namely, E_score and P_score, are proposed for each KO as the EG evaluation criteria. E_score represents appearance and essentiality of a given KO in existing experimental results of gene essentiality, while P_score denotes gene essentiality based on the principle that a gene is essential if it plays a role in genetic information processing, cell envelope maintenance or energy production. The new EG prediction algorithm shows prediction accuracy ranging from 75% to 91% based on validation from five new experimental studies on EG identification. Our overall goal with ePath is to provide a comprehensive and reliable reference for gene essentiality annotation, facilitating the study of those prokaryotes without experimentally derived gene essentiality information.