摘要:Despite of extensive application of insecticides, severe infestation of date palms is reported with Ommatissus lybicus every year. The development of insecticide resistance in the field strains receiving heavy pesticide regimes can be a reason for unsuccessful control. Seventeen field strains of O. lybicus from Oman were appraised for resistance against deltamethrin and fenitrothion in years 2017 and 2018. Eleven field strains depicted susceptibility (RR < 3-fold) while six strains expressed minor (RR = 3-5-fold) to low level (RR = 5-10-fold) of resistance against deltamethrin when compared with lab-susceptible strain. In case of fenitrothion, fourteen field strains exhibited minor to low level of resistance and only two showed susceptibility. Intermediate resistance (RR = 10-40-fold) was also reported in one field strain against fenitrothion. A significant but low resistance (RR = 7.86-fold) was observed in a lab strain selected with deltamethrin for resistance development mechanism studies. The deltamethrin-selected strain exhibited minor resistance development (RR = 3.13-fold) against fenitrothion. Significant reduction in resistance was observed with higher toxicity values when the two pesticides were tested along with piperonyl butoxide (PBO) against all the field collected dubas bug strains. Higher susceptibility of field strains to deltamethrin suggest it a suitable alternate candidate to deter resistance development in O. lybicus.