摘要:The grading system for ultrasonographic assessment of Schistosoma mansoni morbidity is crucial for evaluation of control programs. This requires prior definition of normal liver organometric ranges in the population from the endemic area. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a S. mansoni endemic area in rural Cameroon. 1002 Participants were screened and 234 of them, free from all common liver-affecting diseases in the area (schistosomiasis, malaria, hepatitis B and C) and with no ultrasonographic signs of liver disease were selected and their liver parameters measured by ultrasonography. All statistics were considered significant for p-values < 0.05. Normal dimensions of livers lobe sizes, portal vein wall thickness and portal vein diameters are reported. The liver organometric data are presented for the entire study population as a whole and separately for males and females as prediction plots, with observed values and fitted regression line with 95% confidence. Reference ranges for liver parameters (size, portal vein thickness and diameter) adjusted for body height established in the current study are novel for Cameroon. The prediction plots generated should improve the accuracy of the assessment of liver morbidity by ultrasonography in the region.