摘要:The Lesotho guidelines for the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) recommend initiation of patients diagnosed with rifampicin resistant (RR)-TB on a standardized drug resistant regimen while awaiting confirmation of rifampicin resistant TB (RR-TB) and complete drug susceptibility test results. Review of diagnostic records between 2014 and 2016 identified 518 patients with RR-TB. Only 314 (60.6%) patients could be linked to treatment records at the Lesotho MDR hospital. The median delay in treatment initiation from the availability of Xpert MTB/RIF assay result was 12 days (IQR 7-19). Only 32% (101) of patients had a documented first-line drug resistant test. MDR-TB was detected in 56.4% of patients while 33.7% of patients had rifampicin mono-resistance. Only 7.4% of patients assessed for second-line resistance had a positive result (resistance to fluoroquinolone). Treatment success was 69.8%, death rate was 28.8%, loss to follow up was 1.0%, and 0.4% failed treatment. Death was associated with positive or unavailable sputum smear at the end of first month of treatment (Fisher exact p < 0.001) and older age (p = 0.007). Urgent attention needs to be given to link patients with RR-TB to care worldwide. The association of death rate with positive sputum smear at the end of the first month of treatment should trigger early individualization of treatment.