摘要:Green management is fundamentally referred to the environmental practices and the implementation
of the appropriate eco-friendly activities, which improve the level of people’s awareness about
the environmental protection. Such green management practices have been investigated namely,
redesigning of operation and production processes, innovation and R&D functions, use of technology
to save energy and reduce waste, environmental awareness of stakeholders through seminars
and training, investment in equipment and technology, and improvement in products or services
towards improving firm efficiency in Oil and Gas industry in Jordan. The design of this study has
a quantitative approach. Three hypotheses have been developed through literature review and tested
using descriptive statistical analysis performed by SPSS. The number of population was 250 employees
from different departments that include HR, environment, operation, maintenance, and
marketing, a total of 208 completed questionnaires were analyzed as a final sample. The results
show a moderate implementation of Green management practices, redesigning of operation and
production processes indicated the strongest influence, while innovation and R&D functions indicated
the weakest influence. Statistical positive association also was indicated between green management
practices and firm efficiency. This study contributes to support the literature of Green
management and environment protection that is little in developing countries like Jordan. And it
urges firm management to develop effective green innovation culture to improve the implementation
level of Green management which may in turn create a high level of environmental efficiency
outcome in the medium and long run. Also, it’s very significant for firm management to invest
more money in green innovation and R&D functions in order to improve the level of efficiency/
关键词:Green management;Performance measurement;Jordan;Oil and gas