期刊名称:Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
出版社:Newswood and International Association of Engineers
摘要:A closed-loop high-gain Cockcroft-Waltondoubler-based
switched-coupled-inductor (CWSCI) converter
is proposed by combining a sawtooth wave generator and
pulse-width- modulation-based (PWM-based) compensator
for step-up DC-DC conversion and regulation. The power part
between source VS and output VO contains two sub-circuits: (i)
a switched-coupled- inductor (SCI) booster, and (ii) a twostage
Cockcroft-Walton- doubler (CWD) circuit. With the
help of these circuits operating cyclically, this CWSCI can
provide the total step-up voltage gain of (2n+3+nD)/(1-D)
theoretically, where D is the duty cycle of PWM and n is the
turn ratio of the coupled inductor (e.g. the voltage gain can be
boosted up to 21 when D=0.5, n=3). Further, the PWM
technique is adopted not only to enhance the output regulation
for the compensation of the dynamic error between the
practical and desired outputs, but also to reinforce the
robustness against source/loading variation. Finally, the
closed-loop CWSCI is designed by OrCAD and simulated for
some cases: steady-state and dynamic responses. All results
are illustrated to show the efficacy of the proposed scheme.