期刊名称:Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
出版社:Newswood and International Association of Engineers
摘要:Dispersion and Sweep Reactance in the
Frequency, in this work, results of transformer diagnostics are
shown where both conventional and non-conventional tests
become complementary, allowing the identification of the fault
only by those tests that are able to excite said failure. Emphasis
will be placed on the effectiveness of the frequency sweep test
for fault modes that most other tests fail to excite. These types
of faults will be those reflecting a change in the geometric
structure of the transformer due to mechanical movements in
the windings and / or core of the transformer. The detection of
incipient failures in power transformers requires a meticulous
analysis of the results obtained in conventional tests such as
low voltage TTR, excitation current and power factor.
However certain faults are not excitable by this set of
conventional tests and therefore being necessary to perform
additional unconventional tests such as: TTR in high voltage,
Dispersion Reactance and Sweep Frequency Response. In this
work, results of transformer diagnostics are shown where both
conventional and non-conventional tests become
complementary, allowing the identification of the fault only by
those tests that are able to excite such failure. Emphasis will be
placed on the effectiveness of the sweep frequency response test
for failure modes that most other tests fail to excite. These
types of failures will be those that reflect a change in the
geometric structure of the transformer due to mechanical
movements in the windings and / or core of the transformer.