摘要:It is now entering the knowledge-based economic era globally. In the new era,
the real dominant resources and decisive production factors are not capital, land, or
labor, but knowledge. In such an era, knowledge workers play critical roles in the
business activity. Employees with knowledge would become the human capital of a
company. High-tech industry has got in the giant competition era. Under the global
competition and the constant innovation of knowledge-based economy, it becomes
a worth discussing issue for high-tech businesses maintaining or enhancing the fi rm
competitiveness. Aiming at high-tech industry, the supervisors and employees of
high-tech businesses in Shanghai are distributed 420 copies of questionnaire. Total
322 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 77%. The research results
show signifi cantly positive eff ects of 1.human capital on organizational innovation,
2.organizational innovation on organizational performance, and 3.human capital
on organizational performance. According to the results, suggestions are proposed,
expecting to help high-tech businesses, when encountering the challenge in the
industrial environment, create more performance and benefi ts to achieve the
sustained-yield management.
关键词:human capital; organizational innovation; organizational
performance; high;tech industry