摘要:Global citizenship concept aims to bring people together all around the world,
and prevents all kinds of discrimination between people and societies. Globalisation
and the idea of internationalism in education and in citizenship education can
provide many opportunities. It is that global citizenship education creates
internationalism in education, international solidarity, common environmental
sustainability, common animal rights, women rights, children rights, free rights of
expression instead of nationalism The research aims to determine global citizenship
education curriculum’s objectives with views of experts in the fi eld of curriculum
development, citizenship education, international relations and international law
with the Delphi technique. Delphi panels consisted on 22 experts from throughout
Asia, Europe, Africa, Middle East and USA. They were invited to participate
for online survey and feedback reports. Participants joined two session panels
then fi nally experts reached a consensus on the global citizenship education
curriculum’s objectives.
关键词:Delphi technique; globalisation in education; global citizenship; the
objectives of global citizenship education curriculum;