摘要:Psychological development of patients with surgically corrected Tetralogy of
Fallot could be aff ected by the chronic preoperative cerebral hypoxia; therefore
early repair is benefi cial for the outcome of these patients. 71 Tetralogy of Fallot
patients were operated in Heart Institute between September 1st, 2001 and July 1st,
2006, all of them underwent corrective surgery, without prior palliations. Corrective
surgery consisted of: transannular patch (46), infundibular patch ± PA patch (17),
and transatrial and transpulmonary correction (8). The patients were divided into
2 groups, correction below age of 1 year and above 1 year, for comparative study
of results. 13 patients were excluded for various reasons, and 58 patients were
followed up, at 82.66±17.269 months, performing a Child Behavior Check List
test. All the components of CBCL test were studied comparatively between the
2 groups: aff ectivity, anxiety, somatic, ADHD, opposing behavior and conduct
problems, as absolute values and divided into normal, subclinical and clinical
levels. Major diff erences were noticed between the two groups, as followed:
aff ectivity and anxiety values (absolute values and normal, subclinical and clinical
levels) were higher in patients operated after 1 year of age. Interestingly, aff ective
and anxiety problems and opposing behavior were also correlated (statistically
signifi cant) with the preoperative hematocrit. Delay in surgical correction beyond 1
year of age in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot could have deleterious eff ects over
psychological development (aff ective, anxiety, somatic, ADHD, opposing behavior
and conduct problems) of these patients, due to longer period of preoperative
chronic cerebral hypoxia.
关键词:Tetralogy of Fallot; child behavior check list; psychological testing;
TOF early repair;