期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:Earthworms Eiseniafetida, are treated in Sawdust + Tomato (STM), Sawdust + Tobacco(STB), Sawdust +Sugar beet (SSB), Sawdust +Tomato + Tobacco (STMTB), Sawdust+Sugar beet Tobacco (SSBTB), Sawdust Tomato + Sugar beet (STMSB) and SawdustTomato +Sugar beet + Tobacco (STMSBTB) substrates with four replications. The effectsof treatment, time and interaction of treatment*time are assessed with respect tovariability of physicochemical parameters of substrates and the growth and reproductionof E.fetida for a period of 45 days with intervals of 15 days sampling. The two-wayANOVA indicates the statistical significances effect of (P<0.01). The parameters: EC,pH, C: N, moisture%, weight, number of earthworm, number of cocoon and number ofhatchlings’ mean involved in treatments above indicate scientific differences with respectto physicochemical parameters of substrates and the growth and reproduction of E.fetida.Regarding time effect the findings on treatment effect hold true in its own sense.