出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:Teacher preparation requires pre-service teachers to have requisite skills, knowledge andunderstandings in regards to curriculum planning, preparing and presenting. This paperforms part of a research project Pre-service teacher attitudes and understandings of MusicEducation, focusing on the Master of Teaching (MTeach) ‘Teach For Australia’ program(2015-2017). Narrative reflection and interview data is presented as a case study of ‘Laura’transitioning from ‘student identity to teacher identity’, putting theory into practice,‘thinking on her feet’, ‘looking after self’ and ‘keeping afloat’. Using interpretativephenomenological analysis as an analytical tool, the findings are discussed in relation tothree overarching themes: learning on the job, forming a teacher identity, and showingleadership. Generalisations about other courses/programs or institutions across Australiacannot be made. Limitations of the current study are acknowledged and lessons learnt mayimpact on teacher education and have implications for future research.