期刊名称:International Journal of English and Education
出版社:Brahmaputra Publishing House
摘要:The reforms in the education system in Pakistan that began in 2000s under the influence of
Millennium Education Goals, covered two majors aspects: initially, the reforms in the approach
of National curriculum for Class I-XII, as the content-based curriculum (2003) was reformed
into a Standard Based Curriculum in 2006. The requirements of the new Curriculum further
triggered reforms in the curriculum of the Teachers’ Education in 2010-12. The aim of these
amendments was to produce Teachers who could implement the reformed curriculum 2006. As a
result of these developments, the new degree programs, B.Ed Honors (Bachelors in Education)
and ADE (Associate Degree in Education) with new English courses, have replaced the one year
degree program B.Ed and certificate courses CT & PTC in Education. Collective efforts are
being made to implement these reforms completely in order to achieve the standards set by
National Professional Standards for the Teachers of Pakistan (NPSTP) regarding the teaching of
English. Presently, data is required in order to take appropriate decisions and speed up the
effective implementation of these courses. The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges
in the field in the effective implementation of English courses taught at B.Ed (Hons)/ADE
program. The design of this Phenomenal study is based on the detailed thematic analysis of the
qualitative data. The sample comprised of three fundamental units of the population including
Educational Managers who were selected through Simple Random Sampling technique. A set of
questions was deployed as tools for In-depth Interview. It was explored that the delivery of these
courses is hampered because of the lack of resources, lack of trained Teacher Educators in
English, administrative disorders and the absence of a monitoring system. The findings are
useful for the concerned government officials, policy makers and Apex bodies like BoC, STEDA,
PITE, universities along with the syllabus designers, teachers and students.
关键词:Curriculum reforms; Challenges; Teacher Education; Teaching of English; B;Ed