摘要:Newcastle disease virus (NDV) outbreaks still occur frequently in Egypt in spite of the heavy implementation of
classic NDV vaccines for a long time ago, where NDV genotype VII has become the dominant genotype in Egypt
from 2012 until now. Many previous studies have recommended using genotype-matched NDV vaccines against the
epidemic virus for providing better protection and minimizing virus shedding. Therefore, the present study evaluated
the efficacy of two available live NDV vaccines in Cobb 500 broilers. The group A and B (20 birds each) were
vaccinated with live attenuated NDV vaccines genotype VII and II, respectively with double doses at 5 and 19 days
of age. Also, group C consisting of 20 unvaccinated birds was studied as a control group. The efficacy of live
vaccines was determined using virus challenge test. Hence, all groups were challenged with velogenic NDV genotype
VIId at a dose equivalent to 10 6.0 50 percent Embryo Infective Dose (EID50) via the intramuscular route at 28 daysold.
Serum antibodies level was assessed by hemagglutination inhibition test. Moreover, virus shedding was
measured by EID50. The obtained results indicated that vaccinated birds had similar haemagglutination titers with no
significant difference prior challenge. Meanwhile, group A showed significant protection against mortality, as well as
a significant reduction in virus shedding 7 days post-challenge compared to Group B. We concluded that live
recombinant-genotype VII vaccine homologous to challenge virus could improve the protective efficiency in chicken
against NDV compared to live classic genotype II vaccine. It is suggested that the implementation of genotypematched
NDV vaccines confer better protection in commercial broilers vaccination programs.