摘要:Impact of shelter forest belts of Robínia pseudoacácia L. on spread of fires and the damage caused by them
was investigated for arid agroforestal landscapes of Russia. For arid regions of the world, we have obtained
a mathematical model according to which in habitats where shelter forest belts of 1st class life-state grow,
the area of fires in agrarian lands varies by an average of 1.22 ha / hour, and as to plantations of 2nd and 3rd
classes - up to 1.56 ha / hour. The forest belts could suffer low (a forest stand is not substantially damaged),
medium (more than 10% of live trees) and severe (less than 10% of live trees) degree of damages by fire.
The damage caused in this case amounts to US$ 220, 853 and 2,210 / ha. The world community has been
recommended a method for fighting fires in arid agroforestal landscapes “Don Fire Protection” developed at
Don State Agrarian University. A new scientific direction “agroforestry pyrology” is substantiated; its research
object is agroforestal landscapes exposed to wildfires, and the main task is to study the patterns of
occurrence, behaviour and consequences of fires on forest-meliorated lands in order to develop fire-safe
technologies of protective afforestation under global climate warming.