期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:The objective of the present study was to investigate an environmental and economically
sustainable technic to treat domestic wastewater in rural areas of Morocco. To do this , a
pilot-scale treatment system, horizontal multi-soil-layering (H-MSL) measuring 0,5 m ×
0,3 m × 0,55 m (L ×W× H), was designed, constructed and operated to treat domestic
wastewater, using natural substrate. A feeding tank (100L) was used to store prescreened
wastewater from the inlet of the household wastewater using submersible pump. Three
hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) were tested: 0.25, 0.35 and 0.50 m/day. This pilot-scale
treatment was exposed to the environmental conditions and it does not include any
pretreatment. Several water quality parameters including BOD5, COD, TSS, NH4
, NO3
and PO4
3- were monitored. The ANOVA test showed a significant difference between the
means of these parameters at (p <0.05) for the influent and the effluent, except ammonium.
Moreover, it showed a difference between the values of organic mattersat0.25m/d and
0.5m/d. However, it did not show any significant differences between each type of nutrients
for all HLRs tested. The main treatment performance results showed the following average
removal rates: BOD5 (66±13 %), COD (68±12 %) and TSS (75±14%), NH4
and PO4
(45.2±27.3%). The quality of the treated wastewaters was under to Moroccan
Reject Limit Value (RLV).
关键词:Domestic wastewater; Treatment; Performance of VFCW; Hydraulic loading rates; Rural areas of Morocco