摘要:Mathematical creativity instrument is a tool to assess students’ creative thinking
skills in solving mathematical problems. Mathematical creativity has a pivotal role
in improving the quality of life, solving problems, making a change, and increasing
the efficiency and effectiveness of a system. Unfortunately, there is a gap in the
assessment of mathematical creativity in Indonesia because the instrument used is
merely confirm teachers’ explanation through mathematical problem which focuses
on measuring students’ knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to prove the construct
validity of the items in the instrument of mathematical creativity assessment. Based
on the concept, there are 3 aspects used in creating mathematical creativity
instruments, i.e. fluency, flexibility, and originality. This study aimed at examining
the construct validity of the instrument. This study used a design and development
model. The data were obtained from testing 313 junior high school students in
Indonesia. The data were analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA),
using Lisrel 8.80 software through the first-order and the second-order stages. The
results show that of all items, totally 15 items, are valid or uni-dimensional with TValue
at the value of the loading factor >1.96. This finding proves that unidimensional
data parameters can measure the constructs of mathematical creativity
and have a significant effect.