摘要:This paper presents a content analytic approach to research related to in-service
science teachers’ professional development. The research under consideration was
published in four international science education journals and three international
conference proceedings specialized in science education from 2012 through 2016.
A total of 204 articles (44 published in journals and 160 published in conference
proceedings) were examined to identify the fields of concentration within
continuous professional development (CPD) programmes, which are; focus of
professional development, Types of Professional development, research purposes,
research tools, Types of the data, the context of the in-service CPD programmes.
The result indicated that there is increasing emphasis on pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK), inquiry, problem-solving and thinking. Most of the journals and
conferences provide CPD as in-school and long-term training programmes subject
to systematic evaluation.
关键词:professional development; research trends; in;service science teacher
education; teachers’ professional development