摘要:The important question of who should teach ESP courses has been a controversial
issue for long. The present study aimed at exploring 300 ESP university students'
points of view, 60 EFL and field specialist ESP teachers’ perceptions towards the
most entitled agents to deliver ESP courses in Iran: field specialists or EFL
teachers. To this end, the opinions of the participants who were sampled from three
key Iranian universities were investigated through questionnaires and interviews.
The results of the questionnaire revealed that there is not a significant difference in
the perceptions of ESP students regarding the advantage of one group of teachers
(field specialists or EFL teachers) over the other on teaching ESP courses, but they
asserted that EFL teachers could be the right teachers for ESP instruction
providing that they receive prior training. Furthermore, the results of the interviews
from the two groups of teachers indicated that both language and field specialists
preferred ESP courses to be collaboratively taught by both EFL and field specialist
teachers in order to improve the students’ knowledge and motivation for learning.
Findings have implications for policymakers and teachers of ESP.
关键词:attitude; EFL teachers; ESP courses; Field specialists; teaching