摘要:This study seeks to develop and validate a model of living values-based
interactive multimedia in Civic Education learning. A Research and Development
approach was employed. Data were gathered through observations, interviews,
document study, focus group discussions, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed
by way of interactive models and a descriptive quantitative analysis. The subjects
were students and teachers at junior high schools and senior high schools in
Bandung, Indonesia. Results reveal that: i) the model conceptually integrates living
values and the principles of living values education into interactive multimedia
with especial attention to core competencies and basic competencies of Civic
Education according to the 2013 curriculum of Indonesia, the principles of
scientific learning, and the principles of interactive multimedia development; ii)
the framework of the model consists of motivation, title, menu, CC-BC (Core
Competencies and Basic Competencies) and learning objectives, concept maps,
material contents with multimedia variations, motivational/reflection videos, VCT
Lists, and Quizzes; iii) the results of the validation indicate that most of the
components of contents, presentation, multimedia principles, and the initial
product of the model are considered fairly good. Most students very positively
perceived the use of interactive multimedia in Civic Education learning for
character development.
关键词:interactive multimedia; living values; learning; civic education; multimedia