期刊名称:International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
出版社:School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
摘要:Although the OFDM system has been gaining importance in recent years, the highpeak to average power ratio is considered the main limitation of the system. Theoversampling operation in the frequency-domain plays an essential role in the PAPRcalculations precisely. The main purpose of the paper to draw attention to zero-paddingmethods which are used to oversampled baseband OFDM signals. Moreover, to study theinfluence of the zero-padding methods on the accuracy of the PAPR calculations, and thespectral spreading of the OFDM signals. Simulation results show that the zero-paddingmethod which inserts the zeros at the center of the baseband OFDM signal is better than theother zero-padding methods in terms of both accuracy PAPR calculations and spectraldistribution.