期刊名称:Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)
出版社:Industrial Research Inst. for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw
摘要:With the growing presence of robots in human populatedenvironments, it becomes necessary to render theirpresence natural, rather than invasive. To do that, robotsneed to make sure the acousc noise induced bytheir moon does not disturb people nearby. n this line,this paper proposes a method that allows the robot tolearn how to control the amount of noise it produces,taking into account the environmental context and therobot’s mechanical characteriscs. oncretely, the robotadapts its moon to a speed that allows it to produceless noise than the environment’s background noise and,hence, avoiding to disturb nearby humans. For that, beforeexecung any given task in the environment, the robotlearns how much acousc noise it produces at dierentspeeds in that environment by gathering acousc informaon through a microphone. The proposed methodwas successfully validated on various environments withvarious background noises. n addion, a sensor wasinstalled on the robot in order to test the robot’s ability totrigger the noise-aware speed control procedure when aperson enters the sensor’s field of view. The use of a sucha simple sensor aims at demonstrang the ability of theproposed system to be deployed in minimalisc robots,such as micro unmanned aerial vehicles.