摘要:Systematic sampling has been facing two problems since its beginning; situational
complications, e.g., population size N not being a multiple of the sample size n, and
unavailability of unbiased estimators of population variance for all possible combinations
of N and n. These problems demand a sampling design that may solve the
said problems in a practicable way. In this paper, therefore, a new sampling design
is introduced and named as, “Modified Systematic Sampling with Multiple Random
Starts”. Linear systematic sampling and simple random sampling are the two extreme
cases of the proposed design. The proposed design is analyzed in detail and various
expressions have been derived. It is found that the expressions for linear systematic
sampling and simple random sampling may be extracted from these expressions.
Finally, a detailed efficiency comparison is also carried out in this paper.
关键词:Modified Systematic Sampling; Linear Systematic Sampling; Simple Random Sampling;
Circular Systematic Sampling; Modified Systematic Sampling: Linear Trend;