期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:This paper presents an algorithm based on AES through modifications of the system. The algorithm developed herein is based on incorporating DNA computing in AES algorithm instead of the mix-column stage. The modified algorithm enhances the process to be more secure under the communicated signals used in the smart grid especially in the self-healing process. The breaking time is increased via using two keys whilst keeping the round times. Furthermore, the encryption and decryption times are decreased which is a critical in many smart grid applications. The work carried out a comparison within the study between the modified and the conventional AES algorithms under the different methods of control employed in the fault management. The total time needed to accomplish the fault management process including the encryption and decryption times is computed and evaluated. The assessment of the presented method is done through MATLAB. The sample results are evaluated and discussed.