摘要:In this paper, a compartmental model is presentedto investigate the effects of preventive and control measureson dengue disease transmission. It is showed that the modelhas exactly two disease-free equilibria: a trivial equilibrium,and a biologically realistic disease-free equilibrium. The nextgenerationmatrix technique is used to obtain the basic reproductionnumber, R0, associated with the model. This thresholdparameter is used to discuss the local stability of the biologicallyrealistic disease-free equilibrium. It is found that the biologicallyrealistic disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stablewhenever R0 < 1, and unstable otherwise. The global asymptoticstability of the model is established using the comparisontheorem. For the pre-intervention case, it is showed that themodel has a unique positive endemic equilibrium when thebasic reproduction number Rw is above unity, and no endemicequilibrium otherwise. Numerical implementation is carried outon the model and the results of simulation showed that anefficient control of dengue disease relies on the combination ofhuman preventive and vector control measures.
关键词:Dengue; control measures; basic reproduction;number; stability