期刊名称:International Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Technology
出版社:Austrian E-Journals of Universal Scientific Organization
摘要:With smart process innovation in today’s industries, enterprise resource planning (ERP)
systems is currently been used for hyper-scale digital automation (HAD). The major issue
is data security concerns. Previous works on ERP architectures discussed security risks,
and contextualized security problems in the CloudMesh ERP environment while reporting the
adaptable computational models used as counter-measures. However, multiple role-based privileges in
these ERPs creates new challenges linked with public cloud ERPs (such as Cloud Software-as-aService
ERPs). Also, security vulnerabilities impedes business innovation and service delivery in
dynamic environment. Motivated by these concern, a robust ERP process architecture (CloudMesh
ERP) is presented in this paper. The characteristic feature of CloudMesh ERP is the layered
protective/authorization mechanism for securing classified data-asset from third party users. In the
design, a computationally cohesive algorithm based on one-time-password (OTP) is encapsulated
through an embedded multilayer security interface. The result is cloudmesh homomorphic encryption
(CHE). OTP engine reliability, and overall system implementation are discussed. The proposed
scheme improves ERP security and enhances the automation of production processes in both vertical
and horizontal enterprises.