期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
DOI:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2018. 0608017
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In recent times, a revolution has sprung in the field of agriculture in the name of Vertical Farming.
Vertical Farming is practicing agricultural in a storied building with least usage of resources. Vertical Farming
canbe made automated using Internet of Things[IoT]. IoT stretches its hand for the connection between physical
objects and help us to connect and fetch details. With help of IoT, connections are made between varied sensors and
the information is fetched and it is analyzed using an operating system. Arduino provides an interface for various
sensors like DHT, Soil moisture and LDR. These sensor values are collected and then transmitted using Bluetooth
module to the android device. The valuesfrom the sensors are fetched and read. Depending upon the parameters the
motor and LEDS are turned on using the android application. This farming can be effected to bring more output
than routine farming and in a limited span of time. Implementing this can help the demands in food industry and
can improve the country’s economic growth.
关键词:Internet of Things; VerticalFarming; Sensors; Android;