期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This project is an effort to recognize emotion from Hindi speech signals. Emotions are our life's power
and vitality, which are reflected through speech signals and these signals are those carrier wave upon which the
projected thoughts are sent to create or modify the reality. Emotion explains much about a person like, its behavior,
intentions at an instance, therefore, it can be used in many applications like: in call centers to detect customer emotions,
in field of medical (psychiatry), in criminology, in entertainment electronics, in text to speech synthesizer etc. The
database used was collected from various speakers belonging to different genders and age group. This work basically
focused on eight emotions which comprises of fundamental emotions with some advance emotions and are listed as ,
Happy, Angry, Sad, Depressed, Bored, Anxious, Fear and Nervous . Classification of emotion is done by analyzing
speech signals .These signals were preprocessed and analyzed using various techniques like: cepstral , linear prediction
coefficient etc.. In feature extraction of speech signals , the system uses various parameter features are : fundamental
frequency, pitch contour, formants, duration(pause length ratio) etc. to form a feature vector and then Knn Classifier
were used to classify and recognize those emotions.
关键词:Emotion Recognition;Feature Extraction; standard deviation of fundamental frequency; standard
deviation of energy and pitch contour; formant frequencies; duration; zero crossing result