期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In the contemporary world the population is increasing and the demand for conventional source of
energy is also increasing. Also these sources are diminishing in the near future. This leads to increase in cost of
consumption. There is increase in cost of electricity due to less supply and more demand. So there is a need for
alternate sources of energy. In this regard a new approach is made to harness the wind energy from the moving vehicles
in highways, railway tracks and truck application to generate electricity. Turbine tree is a concept in which a number of
small vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) are mounted on a single arrangement and coupled to obtain high power
output. Presently metals and composites are being used as material for bladesin turbines. So, use of alternate materials
other than metals in wind turbines yet to be researched. Also Integration of wind turbines in vehicles and road yet to be
thoroughly researched and tested.
关键词:Small VAWT; Turbine tree; Truck application; Integration of wind turbines