期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Sociale
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Psychological well-being or sometimes called happiness is associated with mental health. Happiness has become an
important goal to achieve by everyone including elderly people. The psychological wellbeing of elderly people is sometimes
hard to achieve because of the health and social problem that they experienced. They often feel stress of their
circumstances of being old and experiencing decline in their physiological function. Not only physical problems but also
socio-economic problems such as status change from the employment status to the retirement one influence their income.
The stress that they experience often reduces their sense of psychological wellbeing and as a result they have a negative
mental health state. Therefore, it is important to understand the psychological state of elderly people to help them avoid
a negative mental health state. It is said that culture influences how people perceive something including on how they
perceive happiness or psychological wellbeing. One of the psychological wellbeing perspective is the Javanese psychological
wellbeing perspective. Javanese psychological wellbeing perspective states that happiness is influence by their
ability to recognize their own feeling and other people՚s feelings that could make them achieve rasa bebas or feeling free
from conflict that could lead them to achieve happiness or a high level of psychological wellbeing. The aim of this research
is to investigate the relationship between pangawikan pribadi (mawas diri) and rasa bebas with their psychological
wellbeing in elderly people. This research belongs to a survey research in which the samples studied are elderly Javanese
people living in Surabaya, Indonesia. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling.
关键词:Psychological wellbeing; pangawikan Pribadi (Mawas Diri); rasa bebas; Javanese; Indonesia