摘要:Long-term results of the HPV vaccination programs in Australia and Scotland have shown a tremendous impact on
the reduction of HPV infection rates and precancerous diseases. Both countries started mass vaccination ten years
(Australia) and eight years (Scotland) ago and achieved a vaccination coverage of more than 80 %. Within 20 to 30
years a reduction in cervical cancer by more than 75 % is expected. Furthermore, there will be a reduction in other
HPV related cancers like vaginal, vulva, perineal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers. In order to be successful, a high
vaccination coverage is needed. In Belgium, the vaccination was introduced in 2010 in the Flemish community and
in 2011 in the French community. In the first vaccinated cohorts the coverage in Flemish and French Communities
was respectively 84% (2010) and 29% (2012-2013).
The latest data suggest that the Flemish Community (Flanders Region) attained a coverage of 91 % while the
French Community (Walloon Region) attained a coverage of around 36 %. The regional difference in coverage
offers a real-life case. The worst-case scenario could end up with proportionally one half of country having more
HPV related cancers than the other half. Currently efforts are performed to increase the coverage rates in both
regions and consequently decreasing this difference.
Additionally, the updated recommendations regarding the HPV vaccination by the Belgian NITAG (National
Immunization Technical Advisory Group) stated that the HPV vaccination should be gender neutral. This could
stimulate the vaccination program and increase the coverage. The coverage rate in Flanders is among the highest
in the world and the rate in the French Community is increasing. Efforts should be continued in order to maintain
trust and increase the coverage rate.