摘要:Geo-ICT is part of the digital economy identified by the European Commission as being vital for
innovation, growth, jobs and European competitiveness. It is a rapidly growing business sector, but
it is in many countries a shortage occupation sector. More attention to Geo-ICT in education, which
relates to geospatial thinking, would help. The GI Learner project developed therefore a geospatial
thinking learning line for secondary schools, so that integration of geospatial thinking can take place.
The learning line concept used hereby different levels of complexity, referring to the taxonomy of
Bloom, taking into account age and capabilities of students. For each of the competencies lesson
materials related to the curriculum was produced, thus facilitating the implementation in education
on short term. To measure the impact of the learning lines on spatial thinking a self-test was therefore
developed, taking into account the level of complexity of each competence (A, B or C) for each age
group. The GI Learner project website (http://www.gilearner.eu) provides access to as well the
research publications as well as the developed teaching resources.