出版社:Economic Laboratory for Transition Research Podgorica
摘要:This paper aims to look at the long-run equilibrium relationship
between CO2 emissions and economic growth (the EKC hypothesis)
in an asymmetric framework using the non-linear threshold cointegration.
In order to avoid the problem of omitted variables bias, the
dynamic relationship between pollutant emissions, economic development
and energy consumption are also examined (the extended
EKC model). The research hypothesis is that the economic growth
decouples from CO2 emissions growth, i.e. the EKC hypothesis
holds. The empirical study is carried out for the European Union
countries (EU-14) divided into three groups depending on a category
of knowledge-advanced economies in order to explain the differences
in the dynamic linkage between CO2 emissions and economic
growth, as well as in the energy consumption impact on this cointegrating
relationship. We have found that the EKC hypothesis is valid
for the most high-level and some middle-level knowledge advanced
economies. The addition of energy consumption to the standard
EKC model has improved the results in terms of the presence of
linear or threshold cointegration for all low-level knowledge based
economies. Moreover, the causality pattern between CO2 emissions
and income has changed after energy consumption adding to the
EKC model and some similarities are found in the countries belonging
to the same category of knowledge-advanced economies.
关键词:Environmental Kuznets Curve;
decoupling; energy consumption;
threshold cointegration;
Granger causality;