摘要:Urbanization and expansion of cities add great load to the city traffic. As large number of people try to find a
comfortable mode of transport, numerous minds work to provide the service and drive a business. The introduction
of app based cab services and radio taxis is primarily a new concept in the Indian context. The success of such
services in the metropolitan cities of India has lured the companies to start their operation in the major cities of the
country and are slowly heading towards the urban and semi urban areas. The facilities and tariff rates provided by
these companies are unmatched. The impatient generation of today, wish to get everything in their fingertips and
these companies have provided them with just that. Now, people can book a taxi from a mobile and avail the service
of transportation within minutes. The physical, laborious and time consuming job of a taxi hunt is eliminated with a
search algorithm in the servers of these cab companies. The study on consumers’ perspective on the cab services
in Guwahati gives us a glimpse of the viewpoint of people towards the facilities provided by such companies. The
lack of published literature on the topic indicated the potentiality of research in this field. Hence, personal interviews,
review of published newspaper articles have been referred to get a hold over the topic and frame a questionnaire for
the survey. From the survey conducted, it is seen that Uber and Ola are the prime players. People of Guwahati city
are satisfied with the services of the companies but want more facilities to be provided.