摘要:Many countries have focused on the improvement of education system performance.
Small number of studies consider system of a country as unit of assessment where indicators
represent all levels of education system. In the paper, we propose the methodology for the performance
analysis of education systems as a whole hybridizing Data Envelopment Analysis and
Principal Component Analysis. Its applicability is illustrated by the analysis of the data collected
for 29 European countries. In the analysis we used publicly available data from EUROSTAT and
OECD which European Commission uses for the performance monitoring of education in European
Union. No prior assumptions were made or expert judgements included. We demonstrated
good performance of the method on limited data set. The proposed methodology of hybrid Data
Envelopment Analysis and Principal Component Analysis allows researchers analyse education
systems quantitatively. The recommendations for improvements and assessment of real world
education systems should be based on the analysis of a sufficiently large data set comprehensively
representing the considered education systems.
关键词:data envelopment analysis; principal component analysis; education systems; performance;