摘要:Assessing Change in Maximum Pluvial Discharge Values in an Urban Area (Case Study Satu
Mare). In small catchments it is not always possible to assess the entire volume and characteristics of the
flood hydrograph, so in practice the most important component became the maximum discharge. This is
also true regarding the small urban catchments where generally one doesn’t have continuous hydrometrical
measurements and has to assess the possible maximum discharge values through indirect formulae. For the
present analysis, the case study was chosen in Satu Mare, a low plain city in the northern part of Romania, a
city where the main differences regarding the urban floods are due to the impervious characteristics of the area
and only in small part the catchment morphologic characteristics. From the multitude of formulas and methods
we choose the SCS-Curve Number method which is based mainly on the areas land use and imperviousness
characteristics, so one can assess the changes in the runoff due to changes in these factors. GIS analysis and
remote sensing data was used to assess the urban area’s hydrological characteristics and the maximum pluvial
flood values. To further assess the cities sustainable evolution and development it is necessary to know the
areas susceptibility to various natural risks and the hydrological risks represent one of them. Because in many
cases the urban areas don’t benefit of hydrometrical control it is necessary to have quick and reliable methods
to assess with acceptable accuracy the maximal pluvial flood values, using modern techniques.