期刊名称:Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management
出版社:Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Academy of Economic Studies
摘要:The internal labor migration is an important catalyzer of the movement on the labor market, especially in large
cities. It contributes to the economic growth, provides the balance of the labor market and stability of many sectors
of economy (construction, communal services, area of services, trading). However, not all large cities are centers
of migration attraction. Ideas of labor migrants about the city attractiveness are influenced by two groups of
factors: objective (indicators of social and economic development of the territory, natural and climatic conditions,
sectoral structure of economy, unemployment level, etc.) and subjective (availability and accessibility of channels
related to non-formal interrelations with the local population and regional structures, attitude of local population,
activity of social organizations that assist with adapting, availability and activity of communities, etc.).
For improving theoretical knowledge about mechanisms related to forming migrant’s ideas about the city space as
attractive, tools to estimate the social and economic space of the modern city were developed; objective
and subjective criteria of its attractiveness were singled out. The research tools were tested through the example
of the Russian city of Volgograd. According to the results of the research, it has been concluded that external labor
migrants’ selection of the residence place is not defined exclusively by economic interests and objective indicators
of the labor market, level of salary, etc. However, to a considerable degree, it depends on stable non-formal
relations with relatives and acquaintances established before arriving at the residence place. However such
relations only partially simplify the adaptation of arriving labor migrants and do not provide complete mastering
of the city space by them. Therefore, it is necessary to change the target audience and direction of the work of
ethno-national social organizations (associations of fellow-countrymen) that have been formed before. The latter
must become the channel of mastering the urban space by new comers. The efficient work of these organizations
can considerably improve the city attractiveness in the eyes of labor migrants. It contributes to the accumulation of
the symbolic capital of the city expressed in increasing its acknowledgement and growth of trust to its residents.
关键词:external labor migration; city space; migration attractiveness of city; labor market.