摘要:This paper reviews the semantic, pragmatic and experiential approaches to presuppositionwithin linguistics, and explores the relationship between context and presupposition. Firstly,the historical curve concerning the original research on early explorations into presuppositionis generalized and different presupposition theories are introduced. Secondly, three types ofattitudes towards the notion of presupposition are discussed. In this perspective, the semanticapproach is explained and its exclusion of context is discussed. The pragmatic approach isintroduced, and its treatment of the relationship between presupposition and context is noted.The problems of the aforementioned approaches are discussed. Then, the experientialapproach, which studies semantic presupposition from the perspective of context, iselucidated. The relationship between context and presupposition is clarified and context isregarded to determine presupposition. Consideration of the role context plays helps to solvethe problems that are met in the other approaches to presupposition.