摘要:This paper deals with a fuel cell (FC) model to be integrated into the energy management
algorithm for a stand-alone residential photovoltaic (PV) power system. The FC system is
added to guarantee continuous power supply taking account of the photovoltaic intermittent
nature. FC models are generally relatively complex especially when they should be introduced
in a complete hybrid system model. This paper investigates a simple FC model derived from
the FC electrical circuit model. Analytic expression of each element of this simple circuit is
established. Experimental tests are conducted to identify the model parameters. FC model is
simulated using PSIM software and validated with corresponding experimental polarization
curves. To verify FC model effectiveness for energy management algorithm, simulations are
carried out with specific load shape and a hybrid system (FC and PV systems with storage
batteries). Several scenarios are performed under various meteorological conditions and in case
of non-availability generation.
关键词:Fuel Cell model; Hybrid system; Photovoltaic; Energy management; control.