期刊名称:Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
出版社:Pamukkale Univ Dept Sci Education
摘要:Circumstances in school change and teachers constantly face different obstacles. One
of these includes dealing with heterogeneity and diversity in chemistry classes. Future
chemistry teachers need to be aware of the differences in their classrooms. They must
be prepared to diagnose and handle differences in order to obtain the best possible
learning outcomes for their students. The present paper presents a cooperative project,
which develops and evaluates teacher training modules at the University of Bremen
(Germany) and the University of Helsinki (Finland). The seminars are based on a 3-step
model which will be described as well. This model focuses on the initial sensitization of
student teachers for heterogeneous chemistry classes (first step) and qualifying future
teachers to diagnose (second step) and deal with heterogeneity and diversity in
chemistry classroom (third step). Examples taken from the courses at both universities
will be presented and preliminary evaluation results are given and discussed. First
successes of the three steps of qualifying student teachers are recognizable in both
countries. The courses in both countries show a short section from the teachers training
program for the Bachelor and Master degree. All students attend different school in an
internship after or during the courses.
关键词:chemistry education courses; chemistry student teachers; heterogeneity;
sensitization; teacher training program